
  • Understand career levels and skill sets to plan your next challenge.
  • Take control of your career progression
  • Be empowered to have positive growth conversations with hiring managers
  • Use a common language with your employer


  • Use a consistent, universal language when advertising design roles
  • Develop a consistent language when speaking with teams
  • Actively support career progression
  • Enable designers to grow
  • Demonstrate clear pathways of growth
  • Utilise a tested framework
  • Promote retention of employees through demonstrating a sense of purpose and growth

Our Background

Brought to you by Design Skillnet and the Institute of Designers Ireland, FLOW aims to support and promote the career development of designers in Ireland.

The Design Practice in Ireland report published in February 2021 identified a need to ensure pathways to growth are understood by both designer and manager, to ensure designers progress in a supported way through their careers.

The Together for Design report published in 2020 by the Expert Group for Future Skills Needs identifies a significant shortfall of designers in Ireland. As recognition of the value of design grows and Ireland increasingly attracts multinational businesses, the need to attract, retain and develop designers in the sector has never been more necessary.

FLOW aims to encourage designers and employers to place career development and growth high on their agenda and to invest in the talent of now and of the future.